Specially designed armored handpan/steel tongue drum bag. If you have made the investment in a quality instrument you will want to protect it with a durable travel bag. This is a tough bag that will help ensure the safe transport of your handpan for everyday use.
- The bag is constructed from thick durable nylon and uses a heavy duty zipper. There is an internal flap that protects the handpan from the zipper.
- Plastic armor is sewn under the nylon on both the front and back of the bag to protect all sides of the instrument. Soft padding is also sewn into the full inside of the bag.
- It has comfortable adjustable shoulder straps, waist belt and hand carry straps. The waist belt is removable for when it is not needed. The bag also includes a mesh water bottle carrier for when you go to jam in the park.
- It is designed so the handpan rests comfortably in the small of your back following the contour of your body. As a rock climber and outdoor enthusiast and handpan maker, I have tested and designed this bag to have optimal weight distribution and carrying comfort.
Fits instruments that measure up to 21.5 inches across (55cm), 10.5 inches tall (27cm). It is a loose fit bag to accommodate many types/shapes of handpans and steel tongue drums.
This bag may not protect the instrument from hard bumps or falls. Soon we will be offering a special form fitting hard case that will protect your handpan. The handpan and hard case will still fit inside this bag, for ultimate protection.