HAPI Drum Buyers Guide

The HAPI Mini is our smallest and most compact steel tongue drum. A big sound at a small price! The Mini weighs 3.4 lbs and measures 8" x 5.5" high. Color: Hammered Copper. The Mini Drum is available in 2 different pentatonic scales. The word "pentatonic" comes from the Greek word pente meaning five and tonic meaning tone. It is a musical scale that consists of five notes within one octave. Because of their simplicity, pentatonic scales are often used to introduce beginners to music. You can play any note in any order and the drum will sound great! There are no wrong notes!

D Akebono (D4, E4, F4, A4, Bb4, D5, E5, F5). The Akebono scale originates from Japan. It produces a meditative / exotic sound. It sounds great played with Western and Eastern instruments:

C Major (C4, D4, E4, G4, A4, C5, D5, E5). Ranges from C4 (middle C) to E5. C Major is a very popular musical scale. It has no flats or sharps. It is also known as a "natural" scale. This drum sounds great with the HAPI Slim A Minor, G Major, or F Major scales. It also pairs up with our HAPI Origin Drum in the scales of E Minor and D Minor. And, of course, it sounds wonderful with our HAPI UFO drum which is in the full C Major scale. The HAPI Mini C Major is the exact same scale as the HAPI Slim C Major. The Slim has stronger bass response but the Mini has a much smaller shape and strong mids to highs:

The HAPI Bell can be used in 3 ways: as a Bell/Gong, Steel Tongue Drum or Singing Bowl. Includes a HAPI Bell, steel tongue drum mallets, felt bell/gong mallet, singing bowl dowel, wooden stand, self centering rubber ball and string for hanging. The Bell weighs 5 lbs and is 12" x 5" high. The Bell is available in 2 different pentatonic scales. The word "pentatonic" comes from the Greek word pente meaning five and tonic meaning tone. It is a musical scale that consists of five notes within one octave. Because of their simplicity, pentatonic scales are often used to introduce beginners to music. You can play any note in any order and the drum will sound great! There are no wrong notes!

D Minor (A3, Bb3, D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, Bb4). This scale produces a soothing meditative sound:

G Major (G3, A3, B3, D4, E4, F#4, G4, A4). Known as the "people's key" it is one of the most popular keys in classical and modern music. This scale is great with guitar because all of a guitars 6 strings can be played open in G. The banjo is also usually tuned to G:

The HAPI Slim Drum is small, light, and compact. The Slim weighs 7 lbs and measures 12" x 6" high. Color: Black. The Slim Drum is available in 5 different pentatonic scales. The word "pentatonic" comes from the Greek word pente meaning five and tonic meaning tone. It is a musical scale that consists of five notes within one octave. Because of their simplicity, pentatonic scales are often used to introduce beginners to music. You can play any note in any order and the drum will sound great! There are no wrong notes!

C Major (C4, D4, E4, G4, A4, C5, D5, E5). This is the highest drum scale we offer. It ranges from C4 (middle C) to E5. C Major is a very popular musical scale. It has no flats or sharps. It is also known as a "natural" scale. This drum sounds great with the HAPI Slim A Minor, G Major, or F Major scales. It also pairs up with our HAPI Original drum in the scales of E Minor and D Minor. And, of course, it sounds wonderful with our HAPI UFO drum which is in the full C Major scale. This HAPI Slim is an octave higher than the HAPI UFO drum:

A Minor (A3, C4, D4, E4, G4, A4, C5, D5). A widely used musical scale. A Minor is the relative Minor of C Major and known as a "natural" Minor. Sounds great with Native American flutes in A. This drum will sound good with the HAPI Slim C Major, G Major, or F Major scales. It also pairs up great with our HAPI Original drum in the scales of E Minor and D Minor. And it works well with our HAPI UFO drum which is in the full C Major scale:

A Akebono (A3, B3, C4, E4, F4, A4, B4, C5). The Akebono scale originates from Japan. It produces a meditative / exotic sound. It sounds great played with Western and Eastern instruments:

G Minor (G3, Bb3, C4, D4, F4, G4, Bb4, C5). A very moving scale. Mozart considered it most suitable for expressing sadness and adversity. Sounds amazing with Native American flute in G:

G Major (G3, A3, B3, D4, E4, G4, A4, B4). Known as the "people's key" it is one of the most popular keys in classical and modern music. This scale is great with guitar because all of a guitars 6 strings can be played open in G. The banjo is also usually tuned to G. This drum will sound good with the HAPI Slim C Major, A Minor, or F Major scales. It also pairs up with our HAPI Original drum in the scales of E Minor and D Minor. You can also enjoy playing this with our HAPI UFO drum which is in the full C Major scale: