HAPI Drum options and scale descriptions from highest to lowest scales.

- D Akebono Pentatonic (D4, E4, F4, A4, Bb4, D5, E5, F5)
- High voiced.
- The Akebono scale originates from Japan. It produces a meditative /
exotic sound.
- It sounds great played with Western and Eastern
- Available on: Mini, also available on Origin Tuneable (one octave lower, see below)

- C Major Pentatonic (C4, D4, E4, G4, A4, C5, D5, E5)
- High voiced.
- Ranges
from C4 (middle C) to E5. C Major is a very popular musical scale. It
has no flats or sharps. It is also known as a "natural" scale.
- This drum
sounds great with the HAPI Drum Aura A Minor, Slim G Major, or Omni F Major
scales. It also pairs up with our HAPI Drum Origin in D Minor. The HAPI Drum
Mini C Major is the exact same scale as the HAPI Drum Aura C Major. The Aura has stronger bass response and the Mini has a small shape
and stronger highs.
- Available on: Mini, Slim

- A Minor Pentatonic (A3, C4, D4, E4, G4, A4, C5, D5)
- Mid voiced.
- A widely used musical
scale. A Minor is the relative Minor of C Major and known as a "natural"
- Sounds great with Native American flutes in A. This drum will
sound good with the HAPI Mini C Major, Slim G Major, or Omni F Major scales. It
also pairs up great with our HAPI Origin drum in D Minor.

- A Akebono Pentatonic (A3, B3, C4, E4, F4, A4, B4, C5)
- Mid voiced.
- The Akebono scale
originates from Japan. It produces a meditative / exotic sound. It
sounds great played with Western and Eastern instruments.
- This drum will
sound good with the HAPI Mini C Major, Slim G Major, or Omni F Major scales. It
also pairs up great with our HAPI Origin drum in D Minor.
- Available on: Slim

- G Major Pentatonic (G3, A3, B3, D4, E4, G4, A4, B4)
- Mid voiced.
- Known as the "people's
key" it is one of the most popular keys in classical and modern music.
- This scale is great with guitar because all of a guitars 6 strings can
be played open in G. The banjo is also usually tuned to G. This drum
will sound good with the HAPI Mini C Major, Aura A Minor, or Omni F Major scales.
It also pairs up with our HAPI Origin drum in D
- Available on: Bell, Slim

- E Major Pentatonic (E3, F#3, G#3, B3, C#4, E4, F#4, G#4)
- Low voiced.
- Very suitable for playing with
guitar. The bells of the clock tower in London's Palace Westminster are
tuned to this noble scale.
- Available on: Origin

- D Minor Pentatonic (D3, F3, G3, A3, C4, D4, F4, A4)
- Low voiced.
- This scale produces a soothing
meditative sound.
- It sounds great with the HAPI Mini C Major, Aura A Minor, Slim G
Major, or Omni F Major scales.
- Available on: Bell, Origin